The basic salary in Taiwan is adjusted to NT $ 23,800
On August 14, the Ministry of Labor decided to adjust the basic salary from the current regulation of NT $ 23,100 to NT $ 23,800 starting January 2020. The salary adjustment has been approved by the Administration Institute and will be implemented from January 2020. The image above is a summary of the basic salary adjustment situation in recent years.
On August 14, after convening the Basic salary approval committee, the Ministry of Labor decided to adjust the basic salary from the current regulation of NT $ 23,100 to NT $ 23,800, the increase rate is 3.03. %; adjust the hourly wage from the current regulation of NT $ 150/hour to NT $ 158/hour, the increase is 5.33%. The salary adjustment has been approved by the Administration Institute and will be implemented from January 2020.

The Ministry of Labor estimates: After adjusting the basic salary, there will be about 1,832,600 workers benefiting, including 1,367,100 Taiwanese workers and 465,500 foreign workers. Expected each year, the cost that the employee must pay (for health insurance and labor insurance), the cost that the employer must pay (including salaries for employees and expenses for health insurance, Labor Insurance) and the costs that the Government has to pay (for Health Insurance and Labor Insurance) will increase by NT $ 577 million, NT $ 9 billion and 193 million and NT $ 518 million respectively, the total cost increased is NT $ 10 billion and NT $ 288 million.
For hourly wages, there will be 483,300 employees benefiting, expected each year, the cost the workers must pay (for Health Insurance and Labor Insurance), the costs that the employers must pay (including salaries for workers and Health Insurance, Labor Insurance) and expenses that the Government must pay (for Health Insurance and Labor Insurance) will increase by NT $ 322 million, NT $ 6 billion and 36 million and NT $ 378 million, the total increase is NT $ 6 billion 736 million.
In other words, after adjusting the basic salary, the costs that the parties: employees, employers and the Government have to pay each year will increase by NT $ 899 million, NT $ 15 billion and 229 million, and NT $ 896 million respectively
(News source: CNA Central)